Ourscraft III (Creative / Experimental)

Ourscraft 3 is a Minecraft server we at The Planet Discord sometimes run for the purpose of either using Creative mode or for "experiments", such as trying new plugins, or writing our own tools, utilities, and Discord bot features.

Ourscraft 3 is not guaranteed to be running 24/7. It runs whenever there is either enough interest in using Creative mode, or when there is some experiment we're working on trying out or developing. This server sometimes (but not always) runs in "cracked" (non-authenticated) mode, to faciliate testing.

If the server is up and running, you should be able to join it at: mc3.theplanetdiscord.com:53555

You can check the status of all of the Ourscraft servers on the Ourscraft server status webpage, or you can check on The Planet Discord with CreeperBot, our Discord bot.