(you can add it to your servers list even if you're not yet ready to join)Tournament Ourscraft is a server that will reset on schedule every two weeks. Each two-week period is a "round", and each round will have a specific goal to be achieved during that time. The goal may be something as simple as beating the dragon, or it could be accumulating the most of some resource, or something unusual. Beating the goal will get you one point on a leaderboard. Plugins/mods, rules, and game setup might also change with each round. So every two weeks, it's a whole new goal, new world, and new configuration! We're keeping things fresh while learning about and exploring new ideas and setups, and having some friendly competition along the way
We are currently on round (unknown).
The configuration will be as follows:
The tournament round will end in two weeks. More details to come right here! Good luck everyone, hope to see ya there! Again, the Tournament Ourscraft minecraft server is: